To protect residents and wildlife habitats, CLAW influenced LA City Council
to update NO SMOKING signage for our hillside and canyon communities.
2013 CLAW banner in Hollywood Hills
CLAW wanted to make sure we do all we can to reduce our risk against catastrophic fire.
In 2013, we created "no smoking" lawn signs, banners and bumper stickers. The popularity and effectiveness of our signage helped update LA City's no smoking signs for "very high fire hazard severity zones" with a council action in 2015.
If you are an LA hillside or canyon resident, contact LAFD, your area Council Office or your Neighborhood Council for more information on how to get these new signs posted in your community.
2015 LA City's official warning
Tips to prevent and fight fires
KEEP HILLSIDE BRUSH CLEAR ALL YEAR ROUND Visit the LAFD website for compliance guidelines and to sign up to receive email, text and twitter notifications from LAFD for red flag warnings & fire danger updates.
• KEEP SECURITY GATES ACCESSIBLE If you have a gated property, make sure your local fire station has access to the key or combination. In the event that you are away when a fire occurs in your neighborhood, this will help the fire department access your property and save your home.
• UTILIZE YOUR SWIMMING POOL If you have a pool, consider purchasing a pool pump and a generator to keep nearby. Post a sign to alert the fire department that you have a pool and include how many gallons of water your pool holds. This could be the difference between losing your home and saving it.
• RESPECT PARKING ENFORCEMENT Parking may be your first line of defense against fires in the hills. The fire department notes that they cannot guarantee their ability to reach many hillside and canyon streets because of sub-standard roadway widths and illegally parked vehicles. Report parking scofflaws in high fire hazard severity zones to parking enforcement immediately. LA CITY PARKING ENFORCEMENT 213-485-4184.