Vote YES for LA Parklands - November 2016
YOU made a difference by considering wildlife and their habitats
with your Yes vote to support and protect Los Angeles parklands and open space.
YES on Local Measure GG
YES on Local Measure FF
YES on County Measure A
YES on Local Measure GG (for communities within the map below)
Click HERE for full text of Local Ballot Measure GG
Protect and expand wildlife corridors to ensure animals and wildlife can survive
Protect and maintain local open space and parkland
Improve local fire prevention service
New high fire alert patrols and improved dry brush clearing
Improve park ranger security patrols to prevent crime and vandalism
Protect local water quality
Acquire open space to prevent development and more traffic
Measure GG
83.7% voted YES
YES on Local Measure FF (for communities within the map below)
Click HERE for full text of Local Ballot Measure FF
Protect and enhance wildlife corridors to ensure wildlife can survive
Improve fire prevention services in the hills and canyons along Mulholland
Establish new high fire alert patrols and improve dry brush clearing, including removal of drought-stricken trees
Increase targeted Park Ranger Patrol along Dirt Mulholland to prevent crime
Acquire open space to prevent development, more traffic and loss of scenic views
Measure FF
76.5% voted YES
YES on County Measure A (for all LA County communities)
Click HERE to see the text of Ballot Measure A
Protecting and preserving parks and natural areas
Providing safe places to play
Protecting clean water resources, including rivers and creeks
Ensuring that drinking water is safe at park and recreation centers
Protecting clean and safe beaches
County Measure A
73.5% voted YES